Every person possesses a different level of intuition, capable of sensing, hearing and seeing without using the 5 senses. The book is a practical and experiencing guide for use and for familiarizing with the advanced intuition tools, among them: Receiving messages and medium guidance, Release of Fear, Energy Transmit, Healing and Defense.

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** The book is currently available in Hebrew only – English translation soon to arrive**

The book Stargator 

(The Intuition secret)

A practical guide for intuition development and release of fear.

What triggers us?

Are these our fears or deep intuitive knowledge?

Where do the messages come from?

How do we identify their source?

With the help of this book, one can accumulate the tools to self develop our intuitive capabilities which exists in each and every one of us. To connect to powerful knowledge and receive answers for these questions and more.

Every person possesses a different level of intuition, capable of sensing, hearing and seeing without using the 5 senses.

The book is a practical and experiencing guide for use and for familiarizing with the advanced intuition tools, among them: Receiving messages and medium guidance, Release of Fear, Energy Transmit, Healing and Defense.

The "Stargate" technique, developed by Liat Weisskopf through a deep and thorough research work and medium, is presented here in a clear, simple form, available for all readers.

Does not require knowledge or previous experience, the book is intended for all man who asks to experience new experiences, it is also suitable for therapists who want to include the communicator methods as an additional tool in their treatments – receiving messages, therapy and working with the intuition.